  • Belair Road Health Solutions
  • Belair Road Health Solutions
    is located at 4825 Belair Road Baltimore, MD. 21206 and can be contacted by calling 410-509-0205 x151.

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Methadone Maintenance, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • Im young. Is drinking really that bad for my health? Yes. Studies have shown that alcohol use by youth and young adults increases the risk of both fatal and nonfatal injuries. Research has also shown that youth who use alcohol before age 15 are five times more likely to become alcohol dependent than adults who begin drinking at age 21. Other consequences of youth alcohol use include increased risky sexual behaviors, poor school performance, and increased risk of suicide and homicide.
  • A woman whose husband drinks alcohol heavily is more likely than other women to drink too much.
  • When an individual becomes physically dependent on alcohol, and they suddenly stop drinking, withdrawal symptoms will occur; these alcohol withdrawal symptoms can include nausea, sweating, hands being shaky, and anxiety.
  • A warning sign of alcohol dependency includes drinking secretly.

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